A night out for Umbrella Ink with The Corey Dennison Band!
It was a busy weekend here at Umbrella Ink: the receptionist called off, the phone was ringing off the hook, all hands were on deck and every machine was pumping out killer tattoos. Days like this are great fun, and are certainly a wonderful problem to have, but we were beat up from the street up so to speak… Emilio had a date night with his lady and Scotty had a video game to attend to so mAry D and Kevin Cole hopped in the ’79 Trans Am down 20 to Leroy’s Hot Stuff to watch The Corey Dennison Band sing some gritty country blues in the perfect kind of biker juke joint atmosphere that ends busy days like we had just right.
The night started out great with Corey launching directly into a soulful rendition of “Try a little Tenderness”… with Rev. Gerry Hundt on lead guitar and the freshly imported from Italy heartthrob Luca (didn’t catch his last name!) bangin on the keys. Corey promptly and loudly called on Kevin Cole to answer if he was gonna treat mAry d proper… (Corey has been a longtime client and friend of ours, and couldn’t attend our marriage at Christmas).. to which he answered “I do” in his deep sexy- bear voice. Mushy BS aside, both mAry and Kev nearly died of stage fright, but had a total blast.
Check out Corey’s music on his website here, or swing by the shop to pick up the newest CD “Corey Dennison Live.” Hurry up and catch a show of his soon, rumor is he’s headed out back on tour this fall. Be sure to bring your special someone (s), cuz Corey is the king of gritty, in your face, baby makin’ musicx